About This Blog

In the 2005 referendum, British Columbians voted 58 percent in favour of BC-STV. New referendum legislation required 60 percent. Volunteers who support the YES for BC-STV campaign are working hard to get the second referendum, to be held May 12th, passed. This blog is designed as a source for Mid-Island volunteers, supporters and interested members of the public.

Mid-Island BC-STV Events

  • REFERENDUM DAY. May 12. (Oh, and there's an election today too.)

Monday, April 20, 2009

BC Civil Liberties Association Endorses BC-STV

From their media release issued April 15th:
"There are many different voting systems, all of which represent voter preferences to some extent,” says Tom Sandborn, executive board member of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. “The BCCLA believes that STV strikes a better balance between local representation, proportionality and voter choice than first-past-the-post."

...The BCCLA acknowledges that there are many different potential voting systems, but has chosen to endorse STV over the current First Past the Post system because the results of the STV system more closely reflect the actual voting preferences of British Columbians.

“The systems we choose to govern ourselves should seek to maximize a citizen’s ability to participate effectively in the democratic process,” said Sandborn.